

At all ages, in all spaces, girls don't think they are treated equally to boys.

*Plan International, The Dream Gap: Australian Girls' views on Gender equality, 2017


Girls encounter major obstacles and discrimination in their lives, and they experience them early. Girls are more likely to experience domestic violence, less likely to play sport and 83% don't feel like they've been given the same opportunities as boys (2016 Everyday Sexism Report). Global development efforts have largely failed to reach the 250 million adolescent girls worldwide, especially the girls living in remote, hard-to-reach places.

That's where we step in.

Investing in girls is key to reducing poverty. It is key to reducing teenage pregnancy. It is key to driving social and economic change. We are working towards a world where all girls can go to school, see a doctor, and stay away from violence. We're working towards equality. There isn't a simple answer to these problems, but we think starting with how girls see themselves and how they fit into their communities is a great place to start.


Investing in girls is one of the smartest things we can do to promote a healthier, more prosperous, gender equal world. More importantly, it’s the right thing to do.



Inspire and empower a new generation of Australian women.

Our vision is future focused. We understand that in order for women to become their best, they need the right building blocks as they grow. That’s why we focus on supporting girls. By addressing situations that leave girls with fewer opportunities, we’re giving them the best chance of growing into strong women.


Empowering marginalised girls through netball.

Broadly speaking, this is what Confident Girls Foundation actually does. We’re a not-for-profit that helps girls from disadvantaged backgrounds. And we achieve that through netball and its awesome community by organising netball games, providing equipment, and connecting girls with counselling services, educational guidance, and employment assistance.


Social Justice | Inclusion | Empowerment

These three values are what the organisation stands for: greater opportunity for marginalised girls, a supportive, inclusive environment, and empowerment through netball. The Confident Girls Foundation isn’t about giving people a leg-up. It’s about helping girls find resilience, acceptance, and belonging.

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